Lothrop Hall

190 Lothrop St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Student Population
First Year, Upperclass
Room Type
Single, Double
Housing Type
On Campus, First Year
Student Capacity
723 Students
Room Size (Single)
Approx. 16' X 8'
Cost (Single)
Cost (Double)


Dr. Wumbo
From my experience in Lothrop, a freshmen floor is the place to be. Everyone tends to be much more social (although there will always be people who prefer to keep to themselves). Pros: Sinks in 99% of the rooms. Lots of people to meet on your floor. Decently-sized room to yourself (I fit a futon in mine). Cons: Bathrooms can get ripe if your floormates are sloppy. It can be hot for the first few weeks. The hill can be a pain, but at least it's not Sutherland, right?